American Indian/Alaskan Native/Native Hawaiian
Are you unemployed or UNDERemployed?
High school or College Graduate?
Looking for a new job or career path?
Can we make a Difference?
Yes. We are making progress and contributing to positive change in our communities.
In 2016, about one in four American Indians and Alaska Natives
(26.2 percent) lived in poverty.
Reports published in February of 2023, the average unemployment rate for American Indians dropped to 5.7%, the lowest level on record going back to 2000.
You must first enroll in the program by completing the intake paperwork. You may visit any office location, or download the packet by visiting the ONLINE ENROLLMENT page.
Check if you are eligible by clicking here
Step 1: Intake Appointment- Call or visit to meet with your case manager and identify your career goals and training needs.
Step2: Complete Work Readiness and any additional professional development needs.
Step 3: Funding requests are completed so you can begin your new training program, education, or career service.
Step 4: Complete your training! Update your resume with your new Certifications, Credentials, Degrees and Skills! Need more hands-on training in the field? We can help provide you with PAID work experience!
Step 5: Practice your interviewing skills, we can start applying for your new job!
Step 6: YOUR HIRED! Another Native success story! Spread the word, encourage others to enroll and get started on their journey. We can help!
We support comprehensive employment and training opportunities for our Native community.
Participant Responsibility
Once enrolled, you must be an advocate in your own success story and keep in touch with your case worker. Clients can be removed from the program if communication is not maintained. The following funded services are available to you:
Are you an active client? Call your case manager if any of the following occurs:
Changes to your phone number address/personal information
Change in employment or wages
Withdrawal from any training or schooling occurs
Students seeking tuition assistance must send grades at the end of each semester, maintain 3.0 GPA
Payment requests for tuition or supplies must be sent to your case worker ASAP for approval.
Updates need to be made to your Resume
Second party family members may not call on your behalf due to confidentiality and regulations
If you are enrolled in the program, you will remain active for appx 1 year. After that period a client that has received services or entered into employment will be exited. At which time, you may be considered for re-enrollment after 1 year and a day.